Your Mental Attitude Dictates Your Number of Clients AND Income - Small Business Coach, Women Business Coaching - Client Attraction

Your Mental Attitude Dictates Your Number of Clients AND Income

Fabienne Fredrickson
June 25, 2010

QUOTE: “Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.” -Thomas Jefferson

You may be working your tail off to market your business and yet you’re still wondering why it hasn’t “happened” yet. I’ve seen this happen thousands of times. An entrepreneur is seemingly working HARD to get clients, working like a dog to bring in some good in-come and yet, the results just aren’t showing up. It’s like fighting an uphill battle and often seems like it’s not really worth it, or worse, like something’s wrong with us.

But the real battle that’s going on isn’t with the marketing, it’s that something’s wrong on the INSIDE. If there’s a struggle on the OUTSIDE, it simply means that one exists on the INSIDE, and it’s based on our conditioning. You see, how we are conditioned affects virtually every aspect of our life: our relationships, health, finances, success, even Client Attraction.

If you’re experiencing struggle or results aren’t happening fast enough, it just means there’s an inner conflict that affects how you think and feel, as well as your beliefs and fears. It’s the battle between your conscious and your unconscious.

“When your conscious mind thinks you want something but your subconscious mind thinks you don’t deserve it (or any other limiting belief), you will fail at getting what you want. Instead you will actually attract what your subconscious feels is right for you. In order to attract what you prefer, your conscious and subconscious have to be in agreement.”-Joe Vitale

If there’s an exterior struggle, like clients not coming in fast enough or the fact that money is REALLY tight, then it means that PART of you wants something (your conscious) and PART of you doesn’t (your subconscious). The bad news is, your subconscious has veto power over your conscious, always.

The GOOD news is, once you clear the interior struggle, the results you want happen almost instantly. That’s what’s happened to me in the past year or two and continues to happen. The more I match the inside with what I “say” I want, the more opportunities come my way, the more in-come shows up and the easier it all is. And I mean really easy. (And before you start going “there”, just remember that I’m no different than you. Once you work on your own Inner Game of Client Attraction, you too can experience the same results. That’s what we’ll do together in Miami in September at my ‘Mindset and Income Acceleration Retreat’. More details to follow soon.)

It’s not about working harder! If you want different results, you must change your subconscious beliefs and get clear on the fears that are not congruent with what you SAY you want. Here’s a few of the hundreds that I’ve come up with, based on a survey I did:

  • “They won’t pay for this”
  • “I don’t know enough”
  • “If I get bigger, they’ll find out I’m a fraud”
  • “I’m a failure”
  • “If I get too many clients, I’ll get overwhelmed”
  • “I’m not worth it”
  • “I can’t have it all”
  • “My expertise is common sense”
  • Etc

If this is what’s going on in your subconscious, you’re essentially driving with the parking brake on, and we’ve got to do something about that if you want to begin seeing different results. Otherwise, you’ll continue to push really hard, work REALLY hard and not see the results you say you want.

Your Assignment:

If you want to succeed, get rid of this GUNK and SLUDGE inside. The key is to become AWARE of your which fears and subconscious beliefs are sabotaging you on a daily basis, like some of the ones listed above. Once you’re clear on them, figure out where they came from, process them and then release them. This will immediately change your behaviors, increase your in-come and new opportunities will start showing up, ones that you never expected. You’ll wonder why you struggled for so long.

Now, if the struggle is just about a lack of ACTION and you don’t know how to set up systems for marketing to attract ideal high-paying clients, I suggest getting a copy of the Client Attraction Home Study SystemTM. It includes everything you need to know to prioritize what to work on first, clear the decks and set up simple, solid systems to consistently fill your pipeline and continually get new clients. It’s all step-by-step, not a big mishmash of things. So, you do step one of the system, and when you’re done with that, you move on to step two, and so on. That’s why my customers have gotten such great results from it. All the tools, scripts, templates, and examples are handed to you on a silver platter. So easy. You can get yours at

2010 Client Attraction LLC. All Rights Reserved.


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Fabienne Fredrickson, The Client Attraction Mentor, is founder of the Client Attraction System , the proven step-by-step program that shows you exactly how to attract more clients, in record time…guaranteed. To get your F.R.E.E. Audio CD by mail and receive her weekly marketing & success mindset articles on attracting more high-paying clients and dramatically increasing your income, visit

  • It is true – what you really believe not what you think you believe or would like to subscribe to – ultimately affects what you experience. The first step is to take a step back to be aware of what these beliefs are in order to then make a change for the positive. It’s not always comfortable, but well worth the momentary discomfort for the space that ensues.

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